Dolo 20 Damp Limestone

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Dolo 20 Limestone for Sale

Baker’s Dolo 20 Damp Limestone is mined directly from our quarry, a rich dolomitic deposit in the heart of York County, Pennsylvania. Farmers can depend on Baker’s Dolo 20 Limestone to neutralize acidic soil in their fields and replenish the crucial nutrients of calcium and magnesium. When soil pH is properly controlled, crop yields and fertilizer/herbicide effectiveness can be significantly improved.

Baker’s lime improves the effectiveness of other natural soil nutrients, as well. For example, nitrogen and phosphorus, which are sensitive to soil pH. Baker’s high quality pulverized limestone plays an important role in the overall economy of farm production for professional, commercial and custom applicators. Baker’s Dolo 20 Limestone can also be blended with products and can be used for equestrian and horseback riding arenas. Our pulverized Dolo 20 limestone is used for footing material at riding facilities, professional horsemen arenas or farm owner arenas.

Baker Lime began mining in 1889 natural, high quality, high purity and particle fineness limestone that has made it an acknowledged leader. There are few products on the market today that can compare. Baker’s tradition continues with a complete line of products for the agricultural, homeowners and Industrialized markets. Whatever your limestone needs Baker Lime has the product, quality, and dedication to provide the best value. That is our tradition. That is our promise.


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About Baker’s Dolo 20 Limestone:

  • Our Customers say that our Dolo 20 Damp Lime Spreads and Works the Best!
  • Is a very finely pulverized, damp dolomite limestone used to correct and maintain soil pH.
  • C.C.E. Value 105.6%
  • Low moisture content, typical is two to four percent.
  • Quickly neutralizes soil acidity to provide the best environment for healthy plant growth.
  • Supplies both calcium and magnesium, two very important nutrients for plant development.
  • Can improve both fertilizer and herbicide efficiency by maintaining recommended soil pH levels.
  • Has been designed to be applied with spinner-type agricultural lime spreaders.

 Use Limestone in Equestrian Arena’s

  • Use as a base material in Equestrian/Horse riding Arenas.
  • Blend with sand or sawdust for Horse Show and riding rings.
  • Reduces odors and dresses up walkways, helps to keep animals clean for Showtime.

Benefits of Dolo 20 Limestone

Dolo 20 limestone has several different benefits. Dolo 20 limestone is great for farmers looking to replenish their soil. This product spreads easily, provides calcium and magnesium for soil and reduces soil acidity. This product is also beneficial for keeping odors out of the barn. Begin reaping the benefits from our Dolo 20 limestone. Contact us today for more information!

Purity Comparison

a pie chart showing the percentage of different types of co2

Chemical analysis – Typical Limestone

Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 54.8%
Magnesium Carbonate MgCO3 30.0%
Total Carbonates 84.8%
Other (no neutralizing value) 15.8%
a pie chart showing the percentage of mgco3 and caco3

Chemical analysis – Baker’s Limestone

Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 53.5%
Magnesium Carbonate MgCO3 42.0%
Total Carbonates 97.5%
Other (no neutralizing value) 2.5%

Chemical Analysis

Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (C.C.E.) 105.6%
Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) 53.5%
Magnesium Carbonate (MgCO3) 42.0%
Total Carbonates 97.5%
Calcium Oxide (CaO) 30.0%
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 20.0%
Total Oxides 51.0%
Elemental Calcium 21.4%
Elemental Magnesium 12.1%
Effective Neutralizing Value 95.0%
Effective Neutralizing Power 93.0%

Time/Particle Analysis of Our Dolo 20 Damp Limestone

a graph showing three curves

Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (C.C.E.)

Actual Dollar Value

Recommendation Lbs. of Cost Cost
Product Lbs. C.C.E. per Acre C.C.E.% Limestone Needed per Ton per Acre
Baker 3,000 105.6 2,841 $26.00 $36.92
Other 3,000 90 3,333 24.00 40.08

Effective Neutralizing Value (E.N.V.)

Actual Dollar Value

Recommendation Lbs. of Cost Cost
Product Lbs. E.N.V. per Acre C.C.E.% Limestone Needed per Ton per Acre
Baker 3,000 95 3,158 $28.00 $44.24
Other 3,000 85 3,524 26.00 46.02

Screen Analysis

U.S. Standard Sieve Guaranteed Typical

– 20 Mesh 100% 100%
– 60 Mesh 85% 95%
– 100 Mesh 75% 80%

Fertilizer Efficiency

Soil Acidity Fertilizer Wasted

4.5 pH 71%
5.0 pH 54%
5.5 pH 33%
6.0 pH 20%
7.0 pH 0%
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